October--that magic month of costumes and candy, uneasy walks, and late night fear is upon us. The oncoming cold and colorful fall leaves blowing through the air evoke thoughts of death and rebirth, of the layers of the world, and the secrets behind everything, how the world has many disguises as do the people in it. The spreading darkness and growing damp is part of the soul of the Northwest. Nothing better evokes this sense of thrilling mystery, eerie magic, and melancholy abandon than that great, iconic TV show of the Pacific Northwest, David Lynch and Mark Frost's Twin Peaks; Agent Dale Cooper and his need for a "damn fine cup o' coffee," sultry Audrey Horne, the Log Lady, and a murdered homecoming queen. It's a TV series that exudes all of the colors, smells, mythos and wondrous alien forests of our little corner of the world.
Guapo Comics has gathered together some of the Northwest's best and brightest cartoonists and artists to celebrate Twin Peaks and its intensity, fear, joy, and humor in an art show.Ghostwood Forest debuts Friday, October 29th at 7pm. Free themed snacks and drinks will be available. And of coarse costumes are encouraged! At 9pm, the feature length Twin Peaks Pilot Episode will be screened.
1 comment:
IN GIRUM IMUS NOCTE ET CONSUMIMUR IGNI is not the password to the Black Lodge. I even tried saying it backwards, Seansley.
Get awesome, Get Rad, Let's Rock!
Broderick Spritzfellow Kelly
planning on making it
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