Dave Nuss at the wheel, Andrice on Shotgun & Jesse passed out on to my side we got on the rode to some crazy tunes! A few hours into the night we stopped for a most elaborate and satiating chow at Quality Burrito in Olympia.
Okay so now we are in Seattle! 1st off, I give my hats off to Seattle hospitality! I am pretty shy to just plant myself somewhere with people i dont know, and Jesse got us (Nuss, he & I) a place that fits that description in order to stay the night prior to the festival. I felt secure knowing I had my doods Jesse & Nuss, but I was still nervouse. We arrived that night to find ouselves in the raddest Victorian picturesque windows for miles everywhere mansion that had a real lived in but magic secret world throught the coat closet feeling! I was in heaven!!! Jesse Found the 2 cats emediatly and had them with there eyes rolling back in there heads in extacy while Nuss kept it rad with his smarts and conversational radness! Our Hostess with the mostess was a Librarian named Allison who also lived in the house with a handful of other people. We only really met a few of them. We slept in 2 connected rooms on some mega cozy couches in rad slumber. By morning I was ready to get awesome but wanted to explore the house so bad! Jesse told me I should wake up Nuss, So i put my Halloween mask on and went running for him & instead found Our Hostess Allison 1st! She didn't seem a bit fazed by this weird display as though me in a mask was much like any other strange & awesome magic that moved through the house. She in the cheeriest tone comfotable in her P.J's asked if I would like some coffee & apples! SOOOO NICE!!!!
Well taken care of we left for the show. Upon arrival we were met with familiar smiles of our pals Jason Fischer & Robin, then through the doors even more smiles from the whole crew that made the festival happen. A gorgeous display of blue ribbon award looking badges that were our name tags, & a delicious t-shirt designed by Mad Max Clotfelter! Solid!!! Then we were hugged by a ton of friends with more smiles! thoroughly hugged we met our tabel & set up! The hours flew by like shinning minutes with epic fun and a crazy amount of sales!!! I maybe sold more then ever!!! MAYBE EVER EVER!!!! It was great! People were just so excited about what we and the fest had going on! Even radder was the crazy amount of people familiar with both Nuss & I's output! Everybody knows Jesse, because he's so rad & he brings the chaos, But people were also excited about Revival House press & My comics! How did they know!? Magic!!!! I also was selling my Pal Graham Kahler's books, who couldn't make it himself, and people were completely enamored with them!!! Everything came to a close faster then I could wiggle some rad fingers in yer face!!!
Before we knew it we were at a cozy dinner at some bar, and then to the Fantagraphics shop Art show that I still cant believe is real & that i was in it!!! WHAT!?!?!? YEAH!!! I got mad compliments all over and was going crazy in the half off back stock room & ended up snaggleizing an arm full of awesome books that I have already started devouring! It was hard to keep your head on, everything was so rad!!! I got to get ridiculous with Seattle buds and home buddies alike, & have a ton of meaningful intelligent conversations all in one crazy bash!!! It was like I lived years of radness in a matter of a couple hours!!!
All In all I am In It To Get Awesome again! Things feel up & I want to cartwheel my way into the great beyond!!!
Lets do this everyday!!!
Thank you Short Run ladies, you are the leaders of the pack!!! Keep It real everyday the the radness lives inside you in the most epic way!
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