I completed this just a few daze ago. This is a scanned version that is cropped off about a half inch from all sides at the capacity of my scanner. I feel real solid about this magic. It is what I am sending to San Fran for a Fantasy themed art show curated by Elf World creator
Francoise Vignault. I am calling this piece "OKO ONO I see rainbows".
Also speaking of
OKO, a very special art show opens tonight at the OKO gallery (2774 NW Thurman St. PDX, OR) by a very rad friend named
Elizabeth Pusak. You must see it and party with it!!! If you cant make it tonight, the gallery keeps regular hours and is very magic! GO TO IT!!!
Fuck negativity!
Holy Christ! Is that for sale? That's awesome.
WHoa! Thanks. Yes it will be for sale, in san fran in the coming month. are you super into buying it because maybe that can happen before the show opens BWAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Seriously thank you:)
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