Lately I have been trip'n all over thanks to my friends and family. I dont drive so its always magical when I get to run around in the outskirts of my zone at distances that I am usually unable to scale. I got to go to the Olympia comics festival this year and table with mega bro Theo Ellsworth and witch goddess Amy Kuttab. We held down a table and supported Secret Acres publications as well. It was a small affair that had lots of new & old friends coming together. I was able to meet Cullen of Neogliphic media who will soon be putting out an anthology that many of my friends and I are showcased in, (and its full color!!!) so look for that soon. I witnessed an awesome panel that featured my mermaid friend Andrice Arp, where she spoke on 3rd wave feminism. That talk was fun especially the bit about princesses. The pannel ended quite oddly with a man of all things barging in drunk to explain his former ban Bikini kill and talk about kinkos. I got to eat a most fantastic burrito at quality burrito thanks to critter pal Katy ellis o'brien, who gathered a large group of friends for dinner. It was over all a strange balance of fun and odd darkness (the latter I feel I should leave unexplained....... mystery?)
Reading from FOG at FWC March 9th!
3 days ago
Whoa my gosh! Where is this museum? I need it!
That last photo in particular is several different blends of amazing. Also: Please Do Not Touch Johnny's Face.
HA HAHAHAHAH!!! YES!!! I'm so happy you noticed that detail graham:) And that moment was as beautiful as it appears:)
Party Dog, you definitely need this museum! its in Newport on da beach, its called the wax works museum and theres a Ripley's believe it or not museum ( you may be to young to know what that is, but its awesome and you should get on it if you dont) connected through the beachtrash gift shop museum. DO IIIIITTTTT!!!!! YES!!!
you guys are rad:)
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