Hey Doods, I thought I would flash this up here again for the coming "Short Run" one day small press expo of mighty proportions in Seattle! At the fest I will have a new mini composed of short church of awesome thought pieces that previously appeared in small run within the pages of anthologies, and some that haven't surfaced in print as of yet. This includes an 8 page color piece that is about another dream Grant winner (familiar from my previous Church of AT dream grant mini). Above is its cover and an example of within! Below here is the piece I made that will be at the opening party on the walls of the Fantagraphics Head quarters gallery!!! I may also have a limited run of small prints of this available at my table if you are into that sort of magic! I hope to see you all there and to get rad as always! full details are in my previouse post.
Here is a poorly cropped Teaser for an image that will be extensively colored for an upcoming art show at the Fantagraphics (!!!) Gallery in Seattle WA. The show is in support of the 1st Small press Expo called Short Run, which is in part run by my pal Kelly Froh. I met Froh years back when we were paired for a comics reading at my Multnomah county library. I am extremely excited that she has given me the opportunity to be in this show, I don't know what she see's in me to be so kind but I owe her big time! I will be tabling at Short Run as well with bro's Dave Nuss who is one of the best small press publishers for my money with Revival House press. He released one of the greatest comics of all time (the second section will be available at Short Run) called Everything Unseen! I am also tabling with Brolordias Jesse Reklaw who will bring the party & the magic (cards)!
Hey Guys, I will be participating in a couple of coming 1st thursday art shows contained within the Everett station lofts! I will be showing some very seedy art works at the pony club in Jason Fischers erotic monster party known as Monsterbation!
Also this month I was invited by a very special man who is better known as "Double Plus Good" 10 Mile Stereo by DoublePlusGood a force of dance in the magical & tropical synthesized universe of music! I have been a secret fan for sometime so it is very exciting to be working for him and his recent baby SoHi tek gallery & record label. A friend of his is an entrepreneur with a passion for YOYO's and has hand made several YOYO's for artists to turn into spiraling works of art.
Below is the front & BACK OF MINE:) You can purchase these beautiful YOYO's at the show for a very affordable price! There will also be Pro YOYOers Doing there thang at the gallery opening night!
Please come out through the rain to get Sexy & then get dazzled with YOYO ACTION!!!
The opening party's are 6 to 10pm 1st Thursday of spooky OCT.